
A New Year

dragon fruit bud
So much has occurred over the last 5 years… first was buying a home in New Orleans, next was moving my youngest son here as his situation up north was intolerable. Not long afterwards in April, my sister Virginia discovered she had 4th stage ovarian cancer… she passed away on June 23, 2020. I miss her immeasurably, not to mention that one of my Muses passed as she was an inspiration. Sketching or doing anything creative became painful as it made me think of her, perhaps? Or was it an excuse?
2021 my cousin George passed on May 12th from a blood clot after surgery to clear up an infection in his foot. I have many wonderful memories of George as he was a year younger than I. The last time I saw him was his brother Bob’s funeral… too many funerals these days; but to be expected as there are more days behind me than in front.
On a bright note I joined Skinz N Bonez, an artist collective and drumming group. There are many photos and posts on my FB page – just look up zymurgea and you’ll find me.
Alas, on December 27, 2023 I lost another sister, Anna Lois. She had been in pain with intestinal/digestive issues for over a year. Inasmuch as her death was grief to me – it brought her relief.
This past December, my brother Mike lost his girlfriend, but since he brought her to his own wife’s funeral – I don’t feel much sorrow for him.

Here’s hoping that 2025 is brighter than the last few years… and that there’s a bumper crop of dragon fruit!